












「やんばる版プロジェクト健診(Yambaru Health Promotion Project, YHPP)」の概要

 「やんばる版プロジェクト健診(YHPP)」*1 は弘前大学COI連携拠点として名桜大学が行っている疫学研究です。本研究は、当面の目標である「Health Literacy (HL)の向上および平均寿命・健康寿命の延伸」、最終目標である「Quality Of Life (QOL: 生活の質) 向上」を掲げた、横断調査(2018年度~2023年度)です。また、対象者は沖縄県北部12市町村*2 にお住まいの20歳から64歳までの方、約300名を対象とし、遺伝子データ、血液検査データ、腸内細菌叢データ、腹部エコー(肝・腎コントラスト)の画像データ、生活習慣(食、身体活動、喫煙、飲酒等)に関するデータ、運動機能に関するデータ、こころの健康に関するデータ、そして参画する共同研究機関が収集するデータ等の、いわゆる「健康医療ビッグデータ」を収集しております。この「健康医療ビッグデータ」 を解析し、沖縄県北部12市町村の住民における、アルツハイマー型認知症、生活習慣病(脂肪肝/NASH、心疾患、2型糖尿病)、がん(肝臓がん、大腸がん)の発症リスクを高める要因を把握し、同市町村の住民にとって適切な予防策を検討することが、「やんばる版プロジェクト健診(YHPP)」 の目的です。

*1 研究責任者:砂川昌範学長 研究副責任者:花城和彦COI担当学長補佐、本村純上級准教授
*2 名護市、国頭村、大宜味村、東村、今帰仁村、本部町、恩納村、宜野座村、金武町、伊江村、伊平屋村、伊是名村

The "Yambaru Health Promotion Project (YHPP)" (Principal investigator: President Masanori Sunagawa, Co-director of PI: Kazuhiko Hanashiro, Advisor to the President for COI, Senior Associate Professor Jun Motomura) is an epidemiological study being conducted by Meio University as a Hirosaki University COI collaboration centre. The study is a cross-sectional survey (FY 2018-2023) with the current goal of 'improving Health Literacy (HL) and extending life expectancy and healthy life expectancy' and the ultimate goal of 'improving Quality Of Life (QOL: quality of life)'. The target population is approximately 300 people aged 20 to 64 years living in 12 municipalities in northern Okinawa Prefecture (Nago City, Kunigami Village, Ogimi Village, Higashi Village, Nakijin Village, Motobu Town, Onna Village, Ginoza Village, Kinobu Town, Ie Village, Iheya Village and Izena Village), and genetic data, blood test data, gut microflora data, abdominal echo ( The data includes genetic data, blood test data, intestinal microflora data, abdominal echo (liver and kidney contrast) imaging data, data on lifestyle habits (diet, physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, etc.), data on exercise function, data on mental health and data collected by the participating joint research institutes. The aim of the project is to analyse this 'health and medical big data' to understand the factors that increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, lifestyle-related diseases (fatty liver/NASH, heart disease, type 2 diabetes) and cancer (liver cancer, colorectal cancer) in the residents of 12 municipalities in northern Okinawa Prefecture, and to consider appropriate preventive measures for the residents of these municipalities. The aim of the Yambaru Health Promotion Project (YHPP) is to identify the factors that increase the risk of developing lifestyle-related diseases (fatty liver/NASH, heart disease, two-stage diabetes, two-stage diabetes) and cancer (liver cancer, colorectal cancer) and to consider appropriate preventive measures for the residents of the municipality.